Got a Hot Button?
It's at 6:30 a.m. I finally mail that e-mail with my great and big financial appeal for a contribution. What am I doing up so early -- or is it so late?
I want to fill up two pages now with words. I want just to allow the words of flow and see a great my good friend dragon speak naturally does perform. And that is exactly what I'm going to do.
There are days that are like no other. What are they, I don't exactly know! But aren't there days you just know will be lucky days? Aren't there days when you just feel that everything is going to go just right!?
Maybe they are, maybe they're not. But I think there's a big difference between a day with good attitude or a day with bad attitude. Yes, it all boils down to that very simple, tired, old worn out phrase and cliché: Attitude!
As a wise scholar once said: You are not what you think you are -- but what you think, you are! 98% of it is in the mind. No, not all of it. Some things actually occur externally. If a person is, God forbid, hit by a truck, that is not in the mind. If a person breaks out with yellow fever, that is not in the mind. But perceived slights, insults, fences -- or hesitation, shyness, or lack of assertiveness -- that IS in the mind.
And the mind, is either our best friend or our worst enemy. I've lived with my mind, for many many years. An understatement. There are so many buttons in my mind that I wish I could turn off. There are so many hot buttons that I wish I could cool down. And there are so many hesitation buttons that just stand in my way.
But as time marches on, I must attack these buttons and get them out of my way quickly. Because life is not going to wait for me to catch up. And today, is never coming back again.
I don't know, I just don't know. But I sure wish I could short-circuit some of these buttons.