Come Let Us Reason Together
There are issues whose adherents are very adamant that they have found the truth on their side. Those adherents who are so certain of the absolute truth of their point of view, have little or no tolerance to hear the other side.
You know the type. They're stuffy and so filled with their own selves. Hey, that wasn't a very intelligent sentence but who cares. So there we are in
Perhaps this was indicated in the community election that recently took place. There were sides, but the two sides did not have a chance to articulate the differences clearly enough. Because one side was sure that it had the truth on its side, it therefore did all that it can to push through its agenda. It took a communal vote, but when the people to fail to come out because they were not committed to its cause, they extended the vote for five days. Now what kind of an action is that? When you have ballots in a box overnight and there is no one guarding them, who is to stop someone with nefarious schemes from stuffing the ballot box?
And to go through the neighborhood with sound cars blaring and blasting, telling people come out and vote come out and vote -- where was the other side? This side even offered to come to your house and offer you a private ballot if you are "too scared, frightened, or intimidated to come to the polling place."
Methinks that they protest too loudly. Where were the reasonable discussions? Where were the broad committees that should have chosen the candidates, and they should not have been chosen, hand-picked actually, by one or two individuals.
In truth, those elected will be mostly irrelevant to the vast majority of the community. Indeed that entire group is mostly irrelevant.
The saddest part of this entire election is that in the end it really didn't count or matter very much at all.
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