Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Doctor's Office Wait

Those who have walked in darkness, have seen a great light.


Patience is a virtue -- one that is much stretched sometimes to its outer limits.

The doctor's visit

I had an occasion to visit an orthopedist the other day -- well actually not the other day -- today. I had an appointment at 1230 afternoon. But I had to wait three hours to see the doctor. Not that his visits her that long -- he stayed with me all of approximately 6 minutes, and this was my first initial visit. I was told by the Secretary that this will take a long time. But of course I didn't, the wait did.

Why you ask? I think it is this doctor's office operated pretty much like Delta Airlines -- they overbooked. They had 1520 people, hobbled in a small waiting room, waiting to be taken and see the doctor. In my opinion of course, it was unnecessary, and inconsiderate to their patients. But it was probably more lucrative to the doctor.

Under other circumstances I might have balked, maybe even just walked out. But I needed to see him to go through some formalities, and I did. He was considerate, cordial, and seemed to be efficient. It was a done deal. He took three hours of my day and I gave it today.

I did it not because I have the patience, nor because I can tolerate that kind of wait -- but simply because it was necessary. A year ago when I had a similar experience in a dentist's office -- while my tooth was in horrible pain and I was being ignored -- that was a completely different story. I was angry and mad at the lack of consideration, the insensitivity of the people there. But I couldn't say the same today. I think today they were just running along the way they usually do, and I was just one more spoke in the wheel.

Tolerance, patience, when needed -- we seem to find the way.

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