There's a conference taking place in
Well, what BNL!? The truth is it's not what I want to address it all here -- what I want to address here is one more posting about quick ready dragon speak naturally dictation where an entire text can appear on a page in approximately a minute or less.
Now that's not always that easy to accomplish. And the reason that it is difficult is because you really have to have what to say, to be able to create contents that will translate itself into text. So really in a sense, rapidfire dictation necessitates also a period rapidfire thinking be rapidfire contents see rapidfire destination.
Let me explain what I mean when I say rapidfire destination: if you don't have where to go, how the Higgins will you get there??? If you have a specific concept or idea that you wish to communicate, then hopefully it has a beginning a middle and an end. You have a general idea what you want to say, and you bother to go through the process of saying it. Not bad.
But now we come to another aspect of all of this, and that the idea of rapidfire dictation when you truly don't have a specific point you want to make. Nevertheless, you need to have the same number of words appear on a screen, so that your text does at least take up physical space -- well, at least virtual space.
I must also mention that I'm using version 9. I'm very happy with the software. I do see a difference between one version and the other. Having said that, I want to reiterate the following.
I like that expression, "having said that." What a piece of crap! When you say something, either saved or don't say it! But why give the false illusion of saying something, and then proceeding it by saying having said that, and then proceeding to contradict that! People often say things that have absolutely little meaning, just because they're politically correct. Then they make a point of saying -- well, I didn't really mean that at all. What I truly mean to say is... and they continue to say something contrary to their first statement thinking that they can make amends and simply by saying having said that!
The truth is, all of this is just nonsensical verbiage placed here on the screen so that it can occupy a column -- needed for a test blog. A test blog, you ask? What is there to test about the blog? And how long does the test blog has to continue? The truth is, those words too, are just a lot of fooey. They say nothing, they mean nothing, and they accomplish nothing.
How was that, for extended rapidfire dictating verbiage of nonsensical and illogical benefit? Not bad for two in the morning.
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