Monday, January 22, 2007

Going from Cold to Hot - and back

I had the opportunity this weekend to travel from north to south. I left when it was approximately 25° and snowing and then three hours later, I stood in sunny, balmy 80° weather, with a soft wind barely noticeable in the background.

I was there for work, not play. Though my work can be quite pleasant, and I enjoyed the weekend, nevertheless I came the morning of my weekend work, and left Sunday morning when my work was completed. I did not stay an extra day or hour to enjoy the nice environment. I was there to deliver my task and when I had completed it, I was out of there.

Oddly enough, I take no pleasure in the beautiful weather. My plane was filled with tourists coming to loll in the Florida sun, but it had no appeal to me. As I've gotten older, lots of things fail to lure my interest. It was a chill biting cold when I left the north, but that was fine for me. I don't seek solace in the weather. It's just a fact of nature and I take whatever it is.

I had to walk during the day in Florida from one location to another, and the sun was shining and it was like summer time where I'm from. But it wasn't summer time. It was winter. And winter in that corner of Florida meant 80°. And to me, it meant hot, uncomfortable, the sun was too bright, and I couldn't wait to get back.

As I flew out of Florida mind you, Sunday morning at 9 a.m., the plane was half empty. I realized there were people who enjoyed where they were and wanted to stay there as long as they could possibly stay. But I was happy to leave.

Some people are under the impression that most of the world lives with an envious attitude of the grass being greener on the other side. Well, I'm at least one person who proves that to be untrue.

My corner of the world might not be the sunniest, might not be the warmest, and might not have that Floridian clean touch to it. But you know what? It's home. It's where I live, it's where I work, it's what I call home. And it's just fine for me.

So to all the wonderful snowbirds who can't wait to migrate south at the slightest hint of a cold breeze -- go right ahead and enjoy yourselves. If that suits your fancy, then go for it.

But to the rest of us -- there's no place like home. And home is where the heart is.

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