Monday, November 17, 2008

Phone, Phone on the Range

So it's time for another post again. The cell phone. Do people actually buy cell phones and change them? Keep on updating them?

I have an old-fashioned cell phone. The fact that I have a cell phone at all, is a rather big deal. I don't go much away from where I am, and have very little need to be contacted when I'm out in the street. Although I was one of the first to have a home computer many many years ago, I was one of the last to have a cell phone. Well I wouldn't say one of the last in the country. Because who knows? Neither did I take a poll nor do I know what other people have.

But I finally did get one, and it was the rather bulky type. So now I am looking for something a little bit more streamlined that would fit easily in my pocket. I don't need many fancy bells and whistles. I don't need net connections, 3-D iPod type movies, or to read my Gmail or news articles.

But I would like a camera. I would like a phone that has camera capabilities built-in. But I sure don't want to pay for it. And I have a contract already so I'm not looking to change.

I am stuck with what I have.

Life goes on.

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