Okay, it's time to knock off another message. And this will be another rapidfire message. What a wonderful day. So what happened today? Here's what's going on.
Pause. I'm actually upset, because the UPS guy who is supposed to deliver a package has not yet arrived. It's almost 5 p.m., and because I need this package for an electronic connection my day has been underutilized. Why these guys can’t get here a little earlier is beyond me. Yeah I know, I'm sure he's been very busy. It is after Thanksgiving after all and a lot of people probably made orders. But I want mine and I want mine yesterday.
Is that not the way of the world? But I can't handle the problems of the entire world I can only deal with mine right now and not too well either. I wanted this guy to deliver this hard drive, sooner than later. When you order a new hard drive, there is so much work that goes into it. I have to format it, partition it, and then decide what will be loaded upon it.
I'm considering loading several different operating systems on the hard drive. I want to load Windows XP obviously, but also Linux. Then, in another partition I want to put the new Windows Vista operating system. What for you ask? Like any of these operating systems would be better than the other. Well, the old days of constant blue screens which I experienced with Windows 95, even through Windows 2000 -- are thankfully more or less over. But even with service pack two and Windows XP, there is still in programs that freeze, and crash here and there.
Well okay, we will see. So far we haven't seen the UPS man. One day I will really tell you the scoop on the UPS service. They are probably the most important and critical link in the entire dot.com revolution. All online purchases in the world will have little value if there are no trucks to deliver the merchandise. And that's where UPS comes in.
You'd be surprised to know that when you send a computer back to many different companies for customer service, they actually end up in a hangar in an airport where UPS does the repairs for many companies.
But that's another story. I'm just looking for the truck. UPS where are you?
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