Okay, another quickie.
If you're reading this, you are in for it. Because today is ramble day.
So you ask, what happens on ramble day? But of course you didn't ask that. Actually you didn't ask a thing here. By now, you have gotten bored and you probably moved onto the next page or the next blog somewhere else.
But if you haven't did you want to hear more here it goes. But if you haven't, and you want to hear more, here it goes.
I am just simply going to ramble. Because I believe an entire page can be filled up through speech in the course of, oh gosh, I hope three of four minutes. What purpose could there possibly be for reader to want to read this ramble? In truth, I have no idea. I enjoy it because I again, I enjoy seeing this program which is a speech dictation program, operating successfully.
I am not going to type. Typing is a hassle for me, and something that I do not do well. I have much more do I, pleasure, and simply successful fulfillment, when I'm able to dictate words and see them appear on the screen before me clearly and accurately.
And that is what is happening. Which is why I ramble. Now, my diction is most important and significant here. If I'd garbled words and mumble them under my breath, inevitably, they will come out accurately. And a better microphone would do me better. But I'm not about to spend money on one right now. And I am getting roughly 98% accuracy, I would say.
Now my dehumidifier just went on in this room. It is causing noise in the background. Will the software continued to pick up my voice clearly and precisely? Your guess is as good as mine. Well, not really. My guess is better than yours. Because I can observe the software, and you can't. You can only read the final product.
So this is a nice column already I would think -- in terms of length. This is what I would really consider not even fluff but just straw. The content is meaningless, and the entire purpose is to create mass. The entire purpose is quantity. Quality is insignificant and unimportant here.
So why do it?? Is this really without any sense to rhyme and reason?
The answer is: there is a purpose here. And the purpose is to get used to using the software is a tool for rapid dictation. And once that occurs and happens and I get used to it, then I will be able to use this for other things that I wish to.
OK, that's it for now. I'd like to find a nice picture to connect to each column in a blog. I think it gives the least little color and a little life. I will do that. Goodbye for now. I can't believe you stayed as long. I'm not sure if I should thank you, or question your sanity. But then again, you must be questioning mine.
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